Coupled whispering gallery mode resonators in the Terahertz frequency range


We report on coupling of two whispering gallery mode resonators in the Terahertz frequency range. Due to the long wavelength in the millimeter to submillimeter range, the resonators can be macroscopic allowing for accurate size and shape control. This is necessary to couple specific modes of two or more resonators. Sets of polyethylene (PE) and quartz disk resonators are demonstrated, with medium (loaded) quality (Q)-factors of 40-800. Both exhibit coinciding resonance frequency spectra over more than ten times the free spectral range. Loading effects of single resonators are investigated which provide strong Q-factor degradation and red-shifts of the resonances in the 0.2 range. By coupling two resonators of the same size, we observe mode splitting, in very good agreement with our numerical calculations.

Optics Express
Harald G. L. Schwefel
Harald G. L. Schwefel

I work on Resonant Optics.