WOMA 2024 is over

Thank you all to the 88 international participants. It was a fantastic show of such high calibre talks and presentations!
Have a look at the exciting program.
The International Workshop on Microcavities and their Applications (WOMA) is a leading international conference series on optical microcavities and their applications. The 7th WOMA will be held in Aotearoa New Zealand at the University of Otago in Ōtepoti Dunedin during the 25th - 29th November 2024. This conference will be in person during the spring on the South Island of New Zealand. Scholars around the world of the optical microcavity community will share and discuss their latest work and insights in this rapidly expanding field. The five-day Workshop will include invited talks, contributed talks, student poster presentations and social activities in Dunedin. Confirmed invited speakers include preeminent researchers in the field, Profs Kerry Vahala (Caltech), Hui Cao (Yale), and Prof Vahid Sandoghdar (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light). Three Best Student Paper Awards will be awarded.
The WOMA2024 will cover cutting-edge research topics relating to optical microcavity fundamentals and applications. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) resonators
- High-Q cavity optics
- Chip-integrated resonators
- Crystalline WGM resonators
- Optical microcavities in new materials
- Deformed or chaotic microcavities
- Ray dynamics and wave chaos in cavities
- WGM resonator-based sensors
- Machine learning applied to optical microcavities
- Optical manipulation using microcavities
- Microcavity lasers
- Nonlinear optics in WGM resonators
- Soliton phenomena in cavities
- Kerr frequency microcombs
- Atom-field interactions in microcavities
- Quantum optics in microcavities
Previous WOMA events